Research and development is a reflection of the strength and vision of the company in its own products and solutions. Developers from HEDVIGA GROUP, a.s. are working on several research projects that are directly and indirectly related to the project of PTR

The key areas of research of HEDVIGA GROUP, a.s. nowadays are:

1. PTR technology – development of technology of slow thermal decomposition of the third generation, optimalization for new input raw material
2. PTR products - development in the area of special fuels, fuel mixtures and additives
3. PTR chemistry - development in the area of sorbents and dyes with the use of PTR products
4. PTR power systems - development of dual cogeneration units of the second generation and energy systems for PTR
5. PTR heat management - development and validation of heat-transfer systems
6. PTR insulating materials - development of insulating materials for thermal chambers
7. PTR recycling - development and validation of recycling processes

The research team HEDVIGA GROUP, a.s. gained valuable experience in cooperating on various projects – e.g. Project of Thermal Desorption of Oil Sludge (2009) or Project of Pyrolysis Chamber (2011) or Development Centre of Energy Utilization of Products from Thermal Decomposition (2012-2015).

HEDVIGA team managed to exploit all this knowledge and experience to create their own innovative technological concept working on the principle of Slow Thermal Decomposition - PTR system. Subsequently they added a dual fuel cogeneration unit VOPTRA, developed in cooperation with VOP CZ, s.p. In the area of special biofuel, HEDVIGA cooperates with VUZT - Research Institute of Agricultural Engineering, p.r.i.

Thanks to this the PTR system creates a complete closed circuit, using its own fuel and thus it becomes energetically self-sustaining.

PTR technical solution can be used in a wide range of areas, particularly in the processing of organic fuels from biomass and waste, solid alternative fuels, in the production of special products (fuels, insulation, etc.) and to a significant extent also in the production of electricity and heat.

Each individual PTR project is always designed so as to represent the best possible technical and economical arrangement for a particular installation and also to enable an appropriate connection with the existing infrastructure (supply of products, heat supply and power supply).

The result of the research and development activities in the PTR project of HEDVIGA company is already 15 submitted industrial designs and 3 patents, both in the EU and beyond, which protects the PTR technical solution. This result would not have been possible without the "newness" and innovation of the technical solution, which is a condition for granting a utility design and patent.

The scope of the technological solution of the PTR technology, repeatability of the slow thermal decomposition as the applied technological solution, that is different from the conventional thermal processes, is the result of a continuous research activity which HEDVIGA presents at conferences e.g. COGEN, Heating Plant Days (in Czech Teplárenské dny), etc.

This power unit is fully compatible with the device PTR and fuels.


PTR technology is already
in use in several places around the world

Look at the photo gallery of our PTR technological realizations

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