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PTR plant in trial operation in Guangzhou, China PTR 1000 kW6 - 2021 | CB

HEDVIGA handed over the PTR 1000 kW6 - 2021|CB technological equipment for trial operation in Huangzhou, China, as part of the R&D Center of Pyrolysis Technologies.

The main task is to produce rCB in quality according to HG/T 5459-2018 standards, in accordance with Chinese national standards, verifiable in Chinese laboratories. The PTR equipment is patent protected, including the production process of carbonaceous material and rCB, and equipped with 7 other innovative technological elements such as automatic clamping units, loading system, two-route fuel circuits, Spectrophotometric analysis complex (SAC-PTR) for continuous measurement of gas composition on the principle of Raman spectroscopy and others.
The total production capacity of PTR 1000 kW6-2021|CB is 2,300 tons of produced rCB per year, at the same time the entire device is fully energy self-sufficient, modular and allows for further expansion. Management of assembly work according to the approved documentation and work related to putting the equipment into operation took place in a completely unique way in the remote access mode, with the help of video transmission with the minimum technically possible time delay. The transfer of data related to the setup and operation of the technology at the installation site to the remote control system took place using a specially created data channel with continuous data storage.
The data transfer between the workplace in China and the Czech control PTR dispatch center takes place on the 4.0 platform, in accordance with the conditions of cyber-security. In this way the device was assembled, controlled and tested. The aim of this remote assembly, commissioning and control procedure was, among other things, to verify the possibilities of installing more complex technological units without the need for the supplier's engineering team to be physically present at the installation site, which is of particular importance in the context of the global Covid19 pandemic, when the opportunities to travel to installation sites abroad are limited to a minimum. The project of remote control of assembly and commissioning further confirmed the applicability of waste processing methods in circular systems without human service, in a fully automatic and autonomous system.

PTR technology is already
in use in several places around the world

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